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French TV - Presentation Discussion - Printable Version

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French TV - Presentation Discussion - Medianext.MX - 16-12-2022

France 2's christmas break bumpers have been conceptualised under the concept "Christmas Showcases", a concept developed by 17MARS and which feature artistic depictions of Christmas elements and traditions. They have been on-air since December 5. 

And France 3's Chinese chicks are back on its first anniversary on-air. After a difficult start (with mixed reviews by viewers and critics), Dream On's creation is now pleasing more viewers. Last year's animations have been supplemented by three new animations. 

M6 has went back to basics for this year's Christmas bumpers, using Gédéon's brand system at its most essential: 

And C8 has added some additional animations to its existing line-up of break bumpers, all modified as the channel tweaked its look in March: 

RE: French TV - Presentation Discussion - London Lite - 16-12-2022

If you're wondering how far ahead of schedule some of the French game shows which in some cases are on for 7 days a week are filmed, Sidonie Bonnec posted on Instagram that the final editions of Tout le monde a son mot à dire produced in 2022 have been produced this week to go on-air in Spring 2023, so at least a four month window between filming and getting a linear schedule slot.

So the current Christmas editions were filmed in August.

RE: French TV - Presentation Discussion - London Lite - 02-01-2023

The France 2 DOG has been animating between the current logo and the 90s version used in 1998. It's part of the promotion of their new drama series Vortex which starts tonight. 

RE: French TV - Presentation Discussion - Roger Darthwell - 02-01-2023

(02-01-2023, 06:50 PM)London Lite Wrote:  The France 2 DOG has been animating between the current logo and the 90s version used in 1998.  It's part of the promotion of their new drama series Vortex which starts tonight. 

We can say that it's a similar stunt to what Channel 4 did when they premiered It's a Sin, (which is when they brought back their old coloured 4 logo)

RE: French TV - Presentation Discussion - Medianext.MX - 07-01-2023

21 years ago today, France Télévisions introduced its best remembered look, designed by Gédéon. Inspired by the BBC blocks, the new logo and corporate design featured a graphical depiction of screens moving across, which would be used for all institutional needs. France 2 and 3 launched new logos with the rebranding, and La Cinquième, the educational channel integrated into France Télévisions' fold in 2000, was renamed France 5. France 2 also debuted a new look, with the "split-screen" concept of their jingle pubs evolving into a "premier plan – arrière plan" juxtaposition, also designed by Gédéon. 

Two months later, after temporarily retaining La Cinquième's branding, France 5 debuted its new graphics, which played with alphabet and computer UI elements. These were designed by View, the now-defunct graphics atelier of Christophe Valdéjo (currently creative director of France 2's 20h50 le Samedi/le Dimanche). The initial jingle pubs involved live-action scenes, but these were replaced the following year by new, graphically-based jingle pubs due to budget issues. 

France 3 wouldn't debut new graphics until September 2003, a massive rebranding which also coincided with a massive expansion of France 3's newscasts. These new graphics, designed by Dream On, featured animated depictions of animals and plants over French natural landscapes. 

RE: French TV - Presentation Discussion - London Lite - 25-03-2023

Actress Marion Game from M6's Scènes de ménages passed away on Friday. As part of the tribute, M6 showed a compilation of sketches featuring Marion on the normal scheduled show the same evening along with a slightly adapted opening title sequence.

[Image: hHkTcOWI_o.jpg] [Image: dMMEdq1a_o.jpg] [Image: kOTNyVei_o.jpg] [Image: 4CCHZTOP_o.jpg]

RE: French TV - Presentation Discussion - Medianext.MX - 20-04-2023

A new regional channel has launched in local TNT, targeting the Paris/IDF region. It is Le Figaro TV Île-de-France, launched on Monday, which is a joint venture between national newspaper Le Figaro and Lille-based Groupe SECOM (also part-owner of BFM Grand Lille/Grand Littoral). The channel is designed to be a Paris-friendly channel, as it leverages the Figaro news and culture newsrooms and SECOM's cultural output produced for its globally distributed Museum Channel to produce an unique mix of content mixing longform news, current affairs, debates and cultural content (most of which has been sourced from FigaroLive, its digital video platform, with some original content specific to the channel) and a mix of documentaries, concerts and reports on the Parisian cultural scene. The channel replaces a temporary Paris-specific version of the Museum Channel, launched in July 2021 after SECOM and Figaro took over the license of ViàGrandParis (bankrupt). It is available on LCN 34 Paris-wide and on regional cable; it can also be seen nationally on ISP boxes.

The channel is running on a fully commercial scheme, mixing normal ads with branded content and sponsored programming; new shows will premiere every evening and will be rebroadcast in a multi-diffusion scheme during daytime. Prime time will focus on a different cultural focus every night (history on Mondays, travel and adventure on Tuesdays, fine arts on Wednesdays, patrimonial issues on Thursdays, entertainment on Fridays, and luxury and pursuits on Saturdays, with Sundays recapping the highlights of the week). All programmes will be pre-recorded in the initial stages due to "technical issues", with live shows and additional content planned for later. 

[Image: 20230412_093720.jpg?itok=SEKHK6wP]

The channel's presentation was designed by Gédéon and Laplage, focusing on the paper's masthead and feather symbol, evolving the latter into a brand device. The intention by Gédéon was to make the brand very much in line with Le Figaro's simple and minimalist brand ethos, whilst evolving it to embrace both TV and digital screens and to attract both younger and highbrow audiences. 

This is part of a plan by the conservative newspaper to expand fully and embrace the digital and audiovisual supports due to the decline of the newspaper industry, a plan led by Figaro PDG Marc Feuillée. The paper and SECOM also partnered to launch a DAB+ radio service later this year in three cities (Paris, Marseille and Nice), mixing audio versions of FigaroLive and Le Figaro TV content with a Jack FM-style adult hits music format. The idea is to allow Le Figaro to break even financially by 2026, mixing the TV and radio channels with subscriptions from digital and print output. 

RE: French TV - Presentation Discussion - F4C - 25-04-2023

I saw the France Televisions branding set introduced in 2018 a few weeks ago. Very clean and modern- I daresay better than most of the branding used on UK television.

RE: French TV - Presentation Discussion - Rdd - 26-04-2023

Forgive me for asking but what’s a “jingle pub” (that might have very different connotations in English!!!!)? I’m hazarding a guess that it has to do with the bumpers on French TV that introduce advertising? I recall French-owned Eurosport at least used to do something similar but other than that it’s not a thing in this part of the world.

RE: French TV - Presentation Discussion - F4C - 26-04-2023

(26-04-2023, 09:10 AM)Rdd Wrote:  Forgive me for asking but what’s a “jingle pub”? I’m hazarding a guess that it has to do with the bumpers on French TV that introduce advertising? I recall French-owned Eurosport at least used to do something similar but other than that it’s not a thing in this part of the world.
You’ve got it. Pub means “publicité”, which means advertisements. I believe the French are quite strict with advertising on TV, even more so with France Televisions as their national broadcaster.