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CBS Channel Rebrands - Printable Version

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CBS Channel Rebrands - rick - 29-10-2023

After The Horror Channel became Legend, the rebranding process seemed to have stopped. But according to a post on DS, the remaining channels - CBS Reality Reality Xtra and Horror Xtra - are rebranding on 22nd November. The names have not been revealed anywhere yet but I would imagine they might be adopting a single name format, like Legend did, rather than having a company name at the start.

RE: CBS Channel Rebrands - Neil Jones - 29-10-2023

(29-10-2023, 11:24 PM)rick Wrote:  After The Horror Channel became Legend, the rebranding process seemed to have stopped. But according to a post on DS, the remaining channels - CBS Reality Reality Xtra and Horror Xtra - are rebranding on 22nd November. The names have not been revealed anywhere yet but I would imagine they might be adopting a single name format, like Legend did, rather than having a company name at the start.

Hmm, DS (especially the forums) is very well known for being a reliable source of information and is never wrong. Except for <insert copious examples here>.

I really want to post a picture of some mayonnaise at this point and see if a) anybody gets the reference, and b) actually provides a better one. Smile

RE: CBS Channel Rebrands - rick - 29-10-2023

I understand what you're saying, but a few posters on there are certainly in the industry or have connections to it and have posted some accurate information in advance before. Considering it's only the CBS channels and not some more higher profile channels, I don't see why the person has a reason to make it up.

RE: CBS Channel Rebrands - Kunst - 30-10-2023

The current situation with the mish mash is VERY unsustainable,so IT'S NO SURPRISE it won't last.

I think dropping the Zone branding for the "vague" CBS one hasn't worked, especially since AMC was only licensed to use the CBS branding .

I'm glad they're finding (apparently) a solution, keeping CBS Reality as that "odd" exception is weird

RE: CBS Channel Rebrands - WillPS - 30-10-2023

(30-10-2023, 12:35 AM)Kunst Wrote:  The current situation with the mish mash is VERY unsustainable,so IT'S NO SURPRISE it won't last.

I think dropping the Zone branding for the "vague" CBS one hasn't worked, especially since AMC was only licensed to use the CBS branding .

What? The CBS branding has been there for 14 years (vs 10 years with the previous name) during which the channel went from relative unknown to being a digital staple; how can you conclude it simply "hasn't worked"?

And how is CBS any more vague than 'Zone'?!

RE: CBS Channel Rebrands - Kunst - 30-10-2023

It has worked in terms of visibility? Maybe, although there have been, more importantly, been investments in local productions making these channels successful, that would've been the case even had them stayed under Zone.

But when the CBS branding is not "yours" (AMC is only licensed to use it) that could potentially cause problems in the future, like we're (I think) seeing now.

RE: CBS Channel Rebrands - WillPS - 30-10-2023

(30-10-2023, 09:44 AM)Kunst Wrote:  Maybe, although there have been, more importantly, been investments in local productions making these channels successful, that would've been the case even had them stayed under Zone.

That was never the Cello Media proposition and it has remained not the the proposition under AMC's ownership. You're arguing that they should be something entirely different from what they are - a repeats network.

(30-10-2023, 09:44 AM)Kunst Wrote:  But when the CBS branding is not "yours" (AMC is only licensed to use it) that could potentially cause problems in the future, like we're (I think) seeing now.
Like what? The need to rebrand? And what of the benefit they had from growing rapidly using the licensed brand?

Don't you think it's telling that AMC have used that CBS brand for nearly a decade rather than ditching it at the first opportunity? They're not daft...

RE: CBS Channel Rebrands - Kunst - 30-10-2023

Don't get me wrong, AMC has helped with investments (I've nevermentioned Cello as a company), but the names are not the main raison d'être for its successful.

CBS isn't particularly well known in the UK, or that didn't used to be the case before the CBS channels launched.

A channel is a good channel regardless of the name, see the UKTV network .

That's all

RE: CBS Channel Rebrands - Keith - 30-10-2023

If I'm correct in thinking the CBS channels (or at least CBS) is owned by Paramount Global. Given that Paramount also now own Channel 5, is there anything to stop these channels from coming under the Channel 5 branding? For example renaming 'CBS Reality' as '5Reality'.

I guess though that at present the CBS channels in the UK and Channel 5 are currently two separate subsidiaries. This makes such renaming unlikely, and explains there's a separate CBS Catchup app in addition to My5. Long term though it would probably make some sense to fully merge the two.

RE: CBS Channel Rebrands - WillPS - 30-10-2023

(30-10-2023, 10:51 AM)Keith Wrote:  If I'm correct in thinking the CBS channels (or at least CBS) is owned by Paramount Global.  Given that Paramount also now own Channel 5, is there anything to stop these channels from coming under the Channel 5 branding?  For example renaming 'CBS Reality' as '5Reality'.

I guess though that at present the CBS channels in the UK and Channel 5 are currently two separate subsidiaries.  This makes such renaming unlikely, and explains there's a separate CBS Catchup app in addition to My5.  Long term though it would probably make some sense to fully merge the two.

Aren't the Cello/CBS channels pseudo-pan European - similar content/branding but with different playout to allow for regional times on trails and adverts?

Edit - looking online it doesn't look like the continental versions have much other than branding in common with the UK versions now.