Closedowns and Sign offs appreciation thread

Sometimes, you do have to stop yourself and wonder: What is the point of repeating The Chase from yeaterday at 3 in the morning? Yes, people live in the 24 hour world now, where we can access any form of entertainment we want, I reckon some people would appreciate, and even applaud a TV channel closing at bedtime. I digress, this thread is an appreciation of closedowns and sign offs from around the world. 

One of my favourites, stumbled upon by accident, is the Good Night Kiwi. New Zealand's mascot for turning off the Telly Box, letting the cat out, and turning in. The music is haunting, but its a calming enough rendition of Hine E Hine. 

What are some of your favourite closedowns and sign offs?

[Image: BB50.png]

It must be remembered that the whole trigger of (ITV at least) going 24hrs was an inkling they were going to have those hours taken away from them and farmed out to somebody else TV-am style. Whether it was a serious threat or not from the IBA is up for debate but the end result was 24hr television.

The spoof closedowns were always quite good, like this one Not The Nine O'Clock News did: 

Used to see this a lot, an iconic 90s closedown and handover

EDIT: This contains a promo for 24hr Cartoon Network and being a teen in 1998 I was clueless about the workings of this so I remember getting my dad to ask if we can get it and Cable & Wireless (formerly Videotron in Southampton) responded with “No. we don’t carry it”

Paramount Comedy used to fill their off hours with a chicken crossing the road: 

And I'm not sure how well known it is that Dave finish up with Davestation. I went looking for a clip and it turns out they even do something special for Christmas: 

(26-03-2023, 10:38 PM)Neil Jones Wrote:  It must be remembered that the whole trigger of (ITV at least) going 24hrs was an inkling they were going to have those hours taken away from them and farmed out to somebody else TV-am style.  Whether it was a serious threat or not from the IBA is up for debate but the end result was 24hr television.

The spoof closedowns were always quite good, like this one Not The Nine O'Clock News did: 
I believe there was talk of ITN bidding for such a franchise (something I think may have been spearheaded by Sir Alastair Burnet himself!). ITN’s plan was to have the night franchise run from 10pm to 6am, and would have brought an end to the lunchtime and 5.45 bulletins.

I believe the only itv company to have Closedown film was Westward with that lion, who actully come from another TV station in europe? 

Yes, the lion came from Dutch TV.

(27-03-2023, 11:18 AM)James2001 Wrote:  Yes, the lion came from Dutch TV.
Loeki de Leeuw is something of a Dutch institution. His animations were used to top and tail advert breaks on the NPO for many, many years. They were so popular that they were revived a couple of years back.

(27-03-2023, 07:50 AM)Bennyboy84 Wrote: 

Used to see this a lot, an iconic 90s closedown and handover

EDIT: This contains a promo for 24hr Cartoon Network and being a teen in 1998 I was clueless about the workings of this so I remember getting my dad to ask if we can get it and Cable & Wireless (formerly Videotron in Southampton) responded with “No. we don’t carry it”

I have memories of seeing this in the "cinema" room in Ikea when it was open late.
(For those too young to remember, there was a room with tiered seating and beanbags where parents could leave their kids to watch Cartoon Network while they did the shopping)

I'm sure I can remember occasions where that looped Cartoon Network animation was shown for minutes on end.

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