The TV Gameshow Thread

Such a frustrating show but I've stuck with it. Even by episode 7 contestants don't know how to play it though as the early checkout card is a power, not a punishment - but people keep giving it to the team they want out. In seven episodes that team has only gone home once I think (and more because they were last on the challenge) - in the other episodes the holder of it has been able to eliminate another team.

The big difference to The Traitors is contestants and viewers picked up the game very quickly. And the Traitors felt original - this is basically a rip off of The Circle room challenges and Traitor missions with an underwhelming end game.

I'm surprised they're giving it another shot when it's still yet to crack 2 million in the consolidated ratings. I think My Mum Your Dad managed to do that and that was far cheaper.

I have to say I didn't think Stephen was a good host at all. The sketches were truly horrible and I didn't think he was great at interacting with the contestants.

The thing about this programme is, even the break bumpers make the contestants look really annoying.

It seems ITV just wants to persist with The Fortune Hotel and give it as big a push as possible. Probably the same reason it has (already) been nominated for an NTA. I would be surprised if it lasts beyond that second series.

Recommissions are usually enough if it does well with a certain demographic, like 16-34? Maybe that was the case here.

There's also the issue of a broadcaster keeping in with a production company so they don't go elsewhere in future because of the idea that their shows won't be given a chance.

Also, because of the slow burn of The Traitors and its success, this apparently warrants second runs of shows that rate merely OK. I just can't see the same happening with The Fortune Hotel and throwing away another £250k or whatever on top of other costs for similar returns is madness.

(24-05-2024, 11:24 AM)ACTV Wrote:  It seems ITV just wants to persist with The Fortune Hotel and give it as big a push as possible. Probably the same reason it has (already) been nominated for an NTA. I would be surprised if it lasts beyond that second series.
I saw it advertised a several times the other week whist in London. Notably on the escalator (video) screens on the Underground / Liz line.

Formerly 'Charlie Wells' of TV Forum.

We've seen with gameshows recently how a second series seems to be commissioned regardless in most cases now. I guess there is logic in trying to work with something they've now established, even if it needs a few tweaks and was hardly a breakout hit, than just throwing it out completely and starting again with yet another format.

(25-05-2024, 08:20 AM)Keith Wrote:  I saw it advertised a several times the other week whist in London. Notably on the escalator (video) screens on the Underground / Liz line.

It took over the home screen on Roku boxes as well.

Last night’s 1% Club features a rebranded Yinrun from Big Brother. She went by the name of Runrun which had proved quite controversial by a couple of people on social media but Yinrun herself wasn’t bothered. It was filmed before Big Brother though, presumably they’d have referenced it if recorded after or they might have avoided having her as a contestant. That said when Vithun from The Circle was a contestant it wasn’t referenced and for the record they didn’t refer to him as Hunhun either. 

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