Shame on Puck News. CNN Staffers have been preparing this critically important debate for months and are in the home stretch. Absolutely no reason for them to release the story now and cause staffers to worry while in the final hours before the debate or take away from the magnitude of what they’ve accomplished. Tabloid-grade move from them on this one.
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It seems contradictory to me that they want to remain the major global news organization while laying off international staff.

CNN have an opportunity to re-establish themselves as the “global leader in news” tonight by putting on a balanced debate.

All it takes is a hint of bias and I fear the network as a worldwide leader in news could well be over.

It’s CNN’s time to shine, especially as its output is going out on not only BBC News but virtually every news outlet around the globe.
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(27-06-2024, 01:33 PM)matthieu1221 Wrote:  Walkaround of the spin room yesterday on Outfront. 

It's a very big space!

Because they are basically utilizing the floor of a uni basketball arena 
Web Image

i knew looking at the adverts that they were going to use the arena either a view party or the spin room. Turns out the latter it is.

Thats definitely the new half of the new studio Turner Techwood campus (as used by the AJC -Atlanta Journal Constitution). Maybe the regular CNNi broadcasts will start originating from there. Especially when there is a double headed broadcast. And the other corner will for single headed shows. Those screens are really clear and bright. The lighting on that half of the set is really good. Particularly the textural lighting. I wonder they will still be incorporating all the virtual extensions they announced. Im mean it almost seems too little to late. Should have premiered when they set debuted. Ehhh

If you havent seen it here is one of many studios at Turner Techwood that CNN took over for the debate. Rather than squeezing into an undersized news studo like many thought.

The network declined to give The Atlanta Journal-Constitution access to the studio, but Bennewitz said they will be using the same set pieces as they have for past debates going back to the 2019 Democratic primary debates, including the moderator desk, podiums and video wall. 
Web Image

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Notice GB News and BBC Radio 5 Live are taking the CNN debate too.

Here's the CNN debate across multiple channels , including some non-US ones 
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(28-06-2024, 03:28 AM)sky303 Wrote:  Here's the CNN debate across multiple channels , including some non-US ones 
Great job! Sky News seems to be an outlier - all other channels kept the lowest "CNN Presidential debate" banner, including NBC News. However, Sky News, while simulcasting NBC News, decided to run its news ticker over it, thus overriding the common banner.
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(28-06-2024, 03:37 AM)oscillon Wrote:  Great job! Sky News seems to be an outlier - all other channels kept the lowest "CNN Presidential debate" banner, including NBC News. However, Sky News, while simulcasting NBC News, decided to run its news ticker over it, thus overriding the common banner.

I watched Sky News for a bit and it seemed they were taking NBC News Now complete with their logo

(28-06-2024, 04:11 AM)JayCasey Wrote:  I watched Sky News for a bit and it seemed they were taking NBC News Now complete with their logo
Yep, the NBC News logo was surely there, I'm talking about the CNN Debate strap that was below the NBC News logo and that was there on every other rebroadcast. It is that strap that Sky News covered with the news ticker.

Sky News with its news ticker: 

NBC News with a CNN strap: 
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(28-06-2024, 03:37 AM)oscillon Wrote:  Great job! Sky News seems to be an outlier - all other channels kept the lowest "CNN Presidential debate" banner, including NBC News. However, Sky News, while simulcasting NBC News, decided to run its news ticker over it, thus overriding the common banner.

On GB News, the ticker on screen (covering up the CNN Presidential Debate header) was saying it's a replay despite the fact it was obviously live!

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