Doctor Who

I think it's fair to say the finale had a lot of references to the show's past.

I wonder...
Has the Doctor ever actually met their neighbour Mrs Flood? I can't help wondering whether she may be Susan or another time lord. The ending suggests we'll probably see her character again. There was a remark about the Doctor knowing if they met.

Formerly 'Charlie Wells' of TV Forum.

Mrs Flood is a companion cosplayer. Her two outfits in this episode were previously worn by Clara and Romana. We definitely haven't seen the last of her, I think Anita Dobson has been seen filming for season 2.

The final episode(s) of Doctor Who were shown in cinemas across the UK on Friday night. The shwing 'began' at 23:00 with a repeat of last week's episod, before airing the second part almost immediately afterwards.

It was the fourth highest grossing screening at the UK box office this weekend, which for a one-off showing of a TV show at midnight is not bad going at all. 

Spoilers, but it's three days on now so I don't think a spoiler tag is ultimately neccessary
To the episode itself, I was a bit underwhelmed to be honest. Sutekh felt a bit wasted and felt more scary/a threat in Pyramids of Mars that I watched just beforehand, and he was sat down trapped under a pyramid over 2500 miles away for most of that. The reveal of Ruby's mother was overhyped for what it actually became (inside the episodes and in wider media by RTD), but the scene of them finally reuniting was beatiful. Shame to see Millie Gibson depart as a permanent companion so soon, her and Ncuti were fantastic all season; at least she will be returning next year for most of the run.

I'm not quite sure what to make of the series overall. I enjoyed every episode, some more than others, but I feel like the overall run didn't quite click. The lesser episode count wasn't to its advantage, especially with two epsiodes being Doctor-lite. It was also without a lot of character building and world building that RTD1 really excelled at (Jackie Tyler probably got more airtime in one episode than Carla Sunday did all series). It was better than Series 11 & 12, but still not the best it could be.

As for Mrs Flood, she is helping my agenda that Mary Poppins is a time lord. They both have a big bag and umbrella and are on the rooftops of suburban London, and who else has technology for a bag that was bigger on the inside?? Big Grin Big Grin 

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