King Charles Breaking News Coverage

(07-02-2024, 12:12 AM)Ash101 Wrote:  Global, Bauer, Wireless & everyone else all more or less subscribe to IRN. It’s run by Sky News, but Global oversee the commercial operation.

The Newslink adverts you hear around the top of the hour between 6am and 1pm are all sold/aired for the profit of IRN. Global do the sales and distribute the schedule to stations to ensure they air the correct bits of copy.

Thanks for the clarification. Wasn't IRN owned by the commercial stations in the 1970s?

(06-02-2024, 08:57 PM)Nobby Wrote:  What is network in this context? Since all local stations are their own entity, not part-time services opting out of a sustaining feed like on television.

Who would have heard the 18:00 bulletin that seems to have gone out across England on a normal day?

It's known as CNS, Central News Service. Yes, at that time there would have normally been a locally read bulletin as 18:00 is the last of the local reads (or bulletins read by one of the buddy stations during the semi-regional drive shows).
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(07-02-2024, 12:19 AM)Humphrey Hacker Wrote:  Thanks for the clarification. Wasn't IRN owned by the commercial stations in the 1970s?
Not sure how ownership of it worked but it was part of LBC until sometime in the late 80s. Originally it was a feed of LBC sent to the network for the hourly bulletins, later it was a seperate feed(s) delivered by satellite via a company based in the Euston Centre next to Capital. In the 90s it was supplied by ITN and then Sky got the contract in the 2000s.

There can't be many places to hear the IRN hourly bulletins now, Global and Bauer do their own and there's few other stations left
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I've gone and downloaded as many radio programmes as I could from when the initial announcement was made. BBC Local Radio is still being uploaded and will be available in due course. I have not checked all of these, so there's a chance that a few will contain no relevant content, but I thought it was best to gather what I could and work through them later. 

I kissed a gull and I liked it!
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A factor for BBC local radio is that some stations now share a newsreader in the afternoons, who pre-records the 1800 for one station at about 1750, and reads the 1800 for another station live. In that event, one station would have got the news about Charles and not the other.
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(07-02-2024, 05:06 PM)Connews Wrote:  A factor for BBC local radio is that some stations now share a newsreader in the afternoons, who pre-records the 1800 for one station at about 1750, and reads the 1800 for another station live. In that event, one station would have got the news about Charles and not the other.

Presumably all just would take the live bulletin in that case.

(07-02-2024, 05:09 PM)Brekkie Wrote:  Presumably all just would take the live bulletin in that case.

That’s why many opted in! Including the stations I work for.

(07-02-2024, 07:37 AM)Stooky Bill Wrote:  There can't be many places to hear the IRN hourly bulletins now, Global and Bauer do their own and there's few other stations left

Certainly not in the daytime, up until relatively recently you could hear them on a lot of community stations but most have switched supplier to Radio News Hub as it’s very, very cheap.

Boom Radio are probably IRN’s biggest client now in terms of an on-air showcase.

From Popbitch, explains a lot:

Quote:>> 'King lucky <<
An unexpected silver lining

The bombshell announcement of King Charles's cancer diagnosis came at a rather fortunate time for ITV News.

In the hours leading up to the Palace's statement, a new IT system they'd installed – designed to join up the company's newsrooms around the UK – failed quite spectacularly, leaving them in chaos and struggling to pull together the usual regional news programmes on Monday evening.

Thankfully, the major breaking story gave them a convenient opportunity to bin off the local news at 6pm in favour of some rolling royal coverage, giving them time to iron out their tech issues.

Did hear there was a big technical upgrade behind the scenes among the regions in recent months

Still think it could have been better handled but one can imagine it would have been frustrating enough for regional staff before they got word about the King.

Wonder if that was also (at least partly) why ‘Stormfront’ was dropped on UTV?
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