Channel 4 Pres: 2023 - Present

I noticed that Late Night Lycett has what looks like a special opening when seen on demand, in which Joe predictably calls the service by it's old name
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I think it's sufficiently distant from first transmission that I can explain why - the on demand version has content the broadcast version did not, subtly pointed to via the QR codes displayed around the set. The on demand version just admits it outright rather than relying on the gimmick, but I appreciate the effort to try to make some interest in catchup for a show that would otherwise be a real live event only.
Whether that will continue for the whole series I don't know, but it'd be interesting to see if it did lead to a viewership spike.

Late Night Lycett cut off rather abruptly a quarter way through the credits.
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E4 have updated their closedown slide. See 5:58. 

I see that now matches the Channel 4 presentation style.

That whole "one identity across all channels" thing is starting to show its head, it seems.
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So every channel will share the same on screen look and only have idents to set them apart? No room for personality or individuality in this conforming world, eh?

How long before the next brand refresh says "we wanted each channel to have an identity which reflects its audience" blah blah blah.
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Could we see, in this instance, the E4 and More4 brands disappear in favour of something that aligns more with "Channel 4"? Pure speculation of course, but what about 4 Extra (E4), 4 Extra 2 (E4 Extra), 4 Life(style) (More 4)?

To be fair C4 is fairly unique in having completely different presentation for each channel so aligning it a bit further, but keeping distinct colour schemes for each, could work well. E4, More4 and Film4 all have branding beyond the idents which is probably due a change.

I do think compared to the initial branding videos we've not seen the C4 branding at it's full potential. The C4 logo moving through the cube and changing into the E4 logo etc. could work really well for cross promotional purposes, and as C4 went a different route for their own idents I wouldn't mind 4Seven or even More4 getting an ident set based more on that idea too.

I think Film4's excellent presentation could also be updated to be a variation of the cube, but perhaps using more vertical motion than horizontal.

I still think the endboards on the C4 promos need a bit of work - they don't feel as dynamic as they should and just end up being big blocks of colour - probably be best to have the programme into appear first then end with a full screen channel logo, which in the case of spin offs can then morph from the channel logo to C4 logo to promote the streaming option. Thankfully they've loosened up on the wording in promos later so it does feel a bit more natural.
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I have noticed we're beginning to get the some examples of the designed programme titles using the various new weights and condensed + extended variants of the 4Headline font.

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