Doctor Who

(28-11-2023, 12:06 AM)Stooky Bill Wrote:  Indeed, the present generation of teenagers' attitude, understanding and acceptance of gender and sexuality is an absolute world away from when I was at school. 

It's a generational thing, and I think the number of 'adults' that have a problem with such things is very small. Those crying foul in the media are doing it for their own ends.

Come to some schools in Northern Ireland where my family are from, and you will be shocked and appalled at the language used - words which would get me banned on here if I wrote them. 

I was visiting my home town of Derry, and I was walking past a certain secondary school just as the guys were getting out of school, and boy their offensive language was just appalling. They were taunting some younger pupils and my blood was boiling at the language they used. 

This is a Roman Catholic boys secondary school, and I am shocked at this style of language and offensive words are still there among those boys in 2023.

(26-11-2023, 05:32 PM)Flux Wrote:  … and also that Beep the Meep predates Yoda by around 3 months, with both making their debuts in 1980.

Personally, I don’t see the Yoda comparison at all. ET influence in the way it played out, maybe, but Beep and Yoda just don’t strike me as similar in appearance or personality.

It lifted a scene (hiding in the cuddly toys) straight from E.T. Definitely an intentional reference

(29-11-2023, 01:18 PM)Alessi Wrote:  It lifted a scene (hiding in the cuddly toys) straight from E.T. Definitely an intentional reference

The Star Beast was released before ET came out.

(29-11-2023, 01:56 PM)RJLD24 Wrote:  The Star Beast was released before ET came out.

Maybe Spielberg was a fan then.

(29-11-2023, 01:58 PM)Alessi Wrote:  Maybe Spielberg was a fan then.

Well he (Amblin) almost made a Doctor Who movie... 

To the scene of the Meep hiding in the toys, I think the director has said that was a direct homage to the same scene in ET.

Hadn't had much time to post since Saturday, but my overall thoughts.

The episode was good though not excellent. The second half in particular didn't flow as well and had a few things that didn't work (how the streets sealed themselves up and how convenient and anticlimatic Donna losing her Time Lord ability). 

The title sequence is growing for me, though it is missing something for me. I would agree with comments I've seen elsewhere that the logo animating in is very PowerPointy and basic.

My initial thoughts of the new TARDIS interior is like the comments people on here say about BBC's Studio B - it's big and too white and clinical. But having seen other promo pics of the lights in different colour schemes, I think it can work.

Though the headline rating is not spectacular, the highest viewing new drama launch this year, and beating I'm a Celeb on the day are decent credits to receive.

(29-11-2023, 02:47 PM)RhysJR Wrote:  Hadn't had much time to post since Saturday, but my overall thoughts.

The episode was good though not excellent. The second half in particular didn't flow as well and had a few things that didn't work (how the streets sealed themselves up and how convenient and anticlimatic Donna losing her Time Lord ability). 

The title sequence is growing for me, though it is missing something for me. I would agree with comments I've seen elsewhere that the logo animating in is very PowerPointy and basic.

My initial thoughts of the new TARDIS interior is like the comments people on here say about BBC's Studio B - it's big and too white and clinical. But having seen other promo pics of the lights in different colour schemes, I think it can work.

Though the headline rating is not spectacular, the highest viewing new drama launch this year, and beating I'm a Celeb on the day are decent credits to receive.
For me, the title sequence just needs a slight change, to bring the Doctor Who logo in with the correct timing in the tune. Since 2005, it always formed up at the right moment, now it doesn't which slightly annoyed me. 

RTD has only three specials to squeeze everything in, so I don't blame him for quick fixes, he had to reintroduce Donna and get this story all over and done with in 57 minutes. Not an easy task. 

Love the new TARDIS - back to what it should be, and not the mess the 13th doctor had it in. The lighting of the interior of the TARDIS during Jodie's run was bad. This new interior just showcases how much room they have at their new base at Bad Wolf Studios. 

The first episode was never meant to be spectacular. RTD said it was your basic classic Doctor Who one off story, to settle people back into the show - apparently the madness and mayhem starts this Saturday with episode 2 and climaxes with the last of the specials

This weekend's episode sounds like an almost complete mystery - almost nothing is known about it apart from it being set on a spaceship. Director Tom Kingsley says that this is only to surprise the audience rther than there being any surprise returns. I'm really intrigued to see what we will get, there's some positive sounding suggestions that it could be dark or creepy in the vain of something like Midnight. 

I've been very impressed with the amount of behind the scenes content that has been delievered. For this week's episode, there was the 30' Unleashed, a seperate 15' YouTube video which is 95% new content, and a few other videos. The video going into the shed below is really amazing to see how much effort and detail has gone into everything (e.g. filling a sketch book with related sketches despite none of it being seen on air). 

I wonder if the boost in Behind the Scenes content on YouTube is to make up for Disney+ viewers not getting Unleashed

Also, looking at what content has already been released - the tour of Rose's Shed, Designing the Fourteenth Doctor, David & Catherine's Flashbacks - matches up with some of the BTS content known to be on the DVD/Blu-Ray release of the 60th specials if you look at the 'special features' section on the Amazon page 

Executive Producer Jane Tranter was on this week's Media Show on Radio 4. She reports that 2 million extra viewers watched the show on iPlayer by Sunday evening, and the budget per episode has increased but not to as high as £10 million.

Ironically, the programme also featured an extract of an interview with Michael Grade, who infamously axed Classic Who. 

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