BBC/ITV/Sky Elections Coverage

(24-06-2024, 08:47 PM)all new phil Wrote:  Maybe get the leaders on Tipping Point.

I'm suprised Ed Davey hasn't, he's done everything else the last few weeks.

(24-06-2024, 08:45 PM)matthieu1221 Wrote:  Does the word 'Town Hall' or an equivalent not exist in the UK election lexicon? Everyone seems to keep referring to today's double interview on the Sun and last week's similar Sky event as a debate even if it wasn't really one? I'd imagine because the format is most similar to Question Time but that naturally, or some derivative, can't be used?

I don't think it does. Over here town hall means... well.... an actual town hall!
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I quite admire Nick Robinson for his series of interviews. He ripped into each interviewee and left them squirming in their seat.

They were all amusing to watch. I think the confined space of Studio 44D made it all the more intense for the victims. Tongue

I'm not sure I'd want to be confronted by Mr Robinson in a dark alleyway at night, he's a bit scary. Angel
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Watching the Feb 74 election now after watching the 70 one the other day. The non-sync cuts cause a lot less disruption than they did in 1970, where the picture rolls and goes haywire for several seconds, in 74 it's just a few seconds of banding and shimmering (and tends to happen a few seconds before or after going to an outside source, rather than bang on the cuts as they were in 70), and quite often they're literally just a brief flicker or flash (which probably isn't hugely different to how it looked at the time). Had they done something in those 4 years so the VTRs could handle the loss of sync better, or change the way they switched to other sources? Of course in 79 and onwards non-sync cuts were gone entirely.

There's still some cases of captions flying up and down the screen on non-sync cuts, as there was in 1970. There's regular BBC Parliament-added warnings of picture strobing on the 74 election as well, which they didn't do in 70, I guess the disruption the loss of sync causes, while less disruptive than 1970, is more likely to cause those sorts of issues.
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Speaking of the US, I'm not sure if this thread will also be for the US Elections later this year or not (Pres wise I'm expecting more of the same)

Anyway it's the first Biden-Trump debate on Thursday (27th June) at 9PM EDT. Is this scheduled anywhere on UK channels? A quick look on the BBC schedule site doesn't show it for News. The two this year are being produced by CNN & ABC directly, after both campaigns refused to engage with the Commission on Presidential Debates, with the moderator being able to mute each participants microphone should they refuse to shut up.
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The microphones would be permanently muted under those conditions...

(24-06-2024, 06:58 PM)Spencer Wrote:  It would appear there’s going to be some kind of musical build-up to the exit poll announcement… 

At the risk of being a killjoy, are the BBC at risk of overdoing their pre-10pm election introductions? I've just rewatched the 2019 and whilst I know it's a big moment, it seems a little OTT for the average viewer.

(24-06-2024, 09:55 PM)Alessi Wrote:  At the risk of being a killjoy, are the BBC at risk of overdoing their pre-10pm election introductions? I've just rewatched the 2019 and whilst I know it's a big moment, it seems a little OTT for the average viewer.

At least it's only 5 minutes. ITV are stretching theirs out to 10, Channel 4 to 15 and Sky a full hour!

(24-06-2024, 05:08 PM)Milkshake Wrote:  1983 was jointly produced by ITN and ITV regions which meant at 13min past each hour there were local updates from the 15 Local ITV newsrooms. A roughly video of the 3 hours is floating around the web.

Main presenters were Robert Kee and from ITN studio giving the news updates was Martyn Lewis. Not to worry there was some more TVAM fun with Henry Kelly and his café Bar.

Wish I knew where to look, I'd be fascinated to see it! All I can find is a video of the 6AM handover from Thames and the first minute or so on TV Ark's facebook. Interesting that there were updates from the ITV companies... nearly a decade before regional bulletins during breakfast were common. Must have been some special networking arrangements for that morning.
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(24-06-2024, 09:55 PM)Alessi Wrote:  At the risk of being a killjoy, are the BBC at risk of overdoing their pre-10pm election introductions? I've just rewatched the 2019 and whilst I know it's a big moment, it seems a little OTT for the average viewer.

Not quite as OTT as Sky was in 2019 with their exit poll announcement - still one of the best bits of news pres I’ve seen in recent years. 
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Not convinced the Monday Night Football studio will be able to top that.
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(24-06-2024, 10:16 PM)Will Wrote:  Not quite as OTT as Sky was in 2019 with their exit poll announcement - still one of the best bits of news pres I’ve seen in recent years. 

Yeah, but I thought Sky was quite dynamic in that. BBC constantly harks back to the Dimbleby model which seems a little old fashioned now.
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