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Posted by: PATV Scunthorpe
16-08-2022, 12:51 PM
Forum: Programme Presentation
- Replies (85) 

Paxman says: "I’ve had a blast hosting this wonderful series for nearly 29 years. I’ve been lucky enough to work with an amazing team and to meet some of the swottier brains in the country. It gives me hope for the future."

Admin edit: to address tweet display issue.

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Posted by: Moz
15-08-2022, 10:58 PM
Forum: News and Sport Presentation
- Replies (418)

Where is Newsnight coming from tonight?


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Posted by: Motlash
15-08-2022, 10:20 PM
Forum: Channel Presentation
- Replies (1)

So I am a regular listener of NTS ( ), the internet radio station nominally based in Dalston and generally highly recommended. While on their Discord I found that they have an always-on jingle feed, handy for ducking into in between live shows where there's no advertising to fill and a risk of dead air. There's a public link here, and it just loops through their sonic logos (which are a little Radiophonic Workshop, a little ambient and copied by independent radio stations online the world over...) 

"Stream3" is presumably chosen because there's two radio feeds.

Now... would a commercial or BBC radio station have such a back-up loop? I remember volunteering at Resonance FM many years ago and there were emergency music CDs and an automatic, tongue in cheek clip with drilling that would come on if the air went dead. But is this unique?

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Posted by: itsrobert
15-08-2022, 06:59 PM
Forum: News and Sport Presentation
- Replies (163)

I thought I would kick off a nostalgic look-back at ITN with this video I have just found. It's a promo for ITN's Westminster facilities from June 1992. The most interesting part for us is about halfway through where they show some behind the scenes shots of ITN's facility at 4 Millbank. The video uses the library music that was used by the BBC for its local elections programme in 1993! 

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Posted by: Clean Feed
15-08-2022, 06:48 PM
Forum: News and Sport Presentation
- Replies (261)

Technical issues at the start of tonight's edition of ITV News London - which meant London viewers received ITV News Meridian South for the first few minutes.

ITV News London was cut to air and the presenter apologised for the technical problems. 

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Posted by: Clean Feed
14-08-2022, 12:31 AM
Forum: News and Sport Presentation
- Replies (2320)

Some interesting commentary on Twitter this evening by presenter Martine Croxall regarding the merger plans, in response to various tweets, including some from Clean Feed.

There's no doubt the formal announcement from the BBC put a positive spin on the plan. That was always going to be the case.

The new merged channel will serve a world audience - but with UK opt-outs in daytime, including for breaking UK stories, where required.

Detail about the extent of UK-specific coverage is somewhat lacking. But we have been told that some radio content - such as Nicky Campbell's show on Radio 5 Live - will be shown on the UK version of the channel (and BBC Two).

The merger plan will result in the loss of many journalist and technical posts. Though there are plans to increase staffing in the US.

So what has Martine been saying this evening:

- "The replacement channel will be commercial and aimed at an overseas audience. The UK licence payer will not recognise it."

- We suggested to Martine the BBC plan may have been more of a negotiating position, than a final plan of action.  Martine: "The unions have been presented with the thinnest of plans and no reason to believe they are not genuine."

- "There will be lots of ad breaks to fill for UK viewers."

- "It will cede UK breaking news to our competitors."

- Re a tweet on The Papers segment - Martine: "I think the papers will be a casualty of what the managers are planning with one single channel."

- "I make my feelings known loud and clear. We are told that the audience has not made a fuss about what's planned."

Martine is merely voicing concerns felt by many colleagues across News.

It'll certainly be worth keeping an eye out for any official reaction from the unions. Could be a bumpy road between now and next April.

And of course, against this backdrop of BBC cuts, we see ITV News embarking on a second significant recruitment drive in recent months - this time for an on-demand news service.  Almost as if they're taking advantage of an impending BBC own goal.

EDIT: some further tweets from Martine, shortly after our original post above:

"There won’t be a separate UK channel at all. This is what people are not realising. You’ll get what the world audience gets. With Nicky Campbell’s phone in on the TV 9-11 weekdays. The BBC1 bulletins and Newsnight which you can see anyway. No bespoke UK content as standard apart from during advert breaks. And breaking news when an editor decides it’s worth cranking up a tiny studio. The unions are trying to stop the worst of it."

"Managers admit they have low ambitions for UK output esp breaking news. It’s all about the commercial market overseas."

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Posted by: Clean Feed
13-08-2022, 10:20 PM
Forum: Channel Presentation
- Replies (51)

Something extra from the announcer at closedown on Radio 4. A meteor shower...Shipping Forecast-style... 

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Posted by: Superman1986
13-08-2022, 12:06 AM
Forum: News and Sport Presentation
- Replies (12)

Hey Guys. I’m just curious to know what main weekend newsreader you get across the ITV regions?

On UTV Live we get Aidan Browne or reporters like Judith Hill or Jordan Moates

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Posted by: eyeTV
12-08-2022, 11:44 PM
Forum: Industry News, Technology and Facilities
- Replies (29)

A thread to discuss TV / Radio sports rights when announced as it doesn't fit in with the discussion on presentation.

So to start, ITV pick up La Liga rights in a 3 season deal. They will show 10 live games per season. 

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Posted by: LaDeDa
12-08-2022, 12:19 PM
Forum: Programme Presentation
- Replies (9)

Yearly when summer arrives (July, August)
Itv outside love island always has this shut down in hibernate mode till September feeling...
All afternoon repeats, added primetime repeats, old films re shown, no stand out shows outside itv2 love island no New drama launched.

All hit dramas and shows on hold till September onwards and slots filled with documentary type shows at 9pm or like doc Martin on Tue nights repeats.

*Know it's summer and adverts pay less as viewers down less TV indoor time but....

Other commercial channels manage summer new show output and new drama look at channel 5 had new drama this summer, even channel 4 added new shows even to breakfast Saturday with big breakfast..

Why does summer July August always effect itv more???

Looking at BBC one and yes license fee funded but look at good ratings on Wednesday night for Shetland in red hot heat outside still rated well most watched show of day outside news output.

Seems itv just gives ratings away in summer giving other channels an easy run outside itvs soap output.


If channels 4 and 5 manage more new output in this period and BBC with its sport this summer and say Shetland on Wednesday night proved viewers will still watch TV in summer?

*With the future of streaming increasing yearly...and outside say live sport events or event TV channels ratings lower why give rival channels help through the summer to build viewers with shows starting now that will lead through the next month of September making your channel suffer?

Can liner TV channels afford to just limp along when choose now ?
..will the arrival of itvX actually help itv in summer as be more content to switch from itvX to main itv to cover summer ?

With no big sports events next year 2023 BBC ones summer ratings be far lower in comparison to this year...but still it will screen new dramas and more stand out shows and as Shetland proved Wednesday night it brings in ratings.
if channels 4 and 5 make more effort in summer months why is it set in stone itv limps along in July and August every year???

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